


  1. A response that is narrowly tailored to priority areas designated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that exceed the current indoor action level of 4pCi/l (as measured in living areas) and that passive building techniques be used for new construction in those priority areas; and
  2. 具有规定性的抗氡施工技术, well researched and justified in terms of health risks in the home environment; and are technically and economically feasible and generally affordable; and
  3. Flexible EPA mapping guidelines that can be adjusted to reflect local conditions and provide local government entities the opportunity to challenge the EPA’s assessment and designation of a radon priority area; as well as giving the EPA the latitude to modify its designation; and
  4. Research efforts to find cost-effective site testing techniques that can be correlated with future indoor radon levels that will aid in predicting when specific construction techniques should be employed; and
  5. 教育al and training programs for builders on proper radon testing procedures and proper design and installation of radon-resistant construction techniques; and


  1. 在预测的平均室内氡水平超过4pCi/l的地区建立优先氡区,并且仅在那些采用要求建筑商在联邦保险或担保住房的新建筑中使用被动式建筑技术的地区;
  2. 如果建筑在施工时符合或遵守联邦规定或州采用或认可的要求,则免除建筑商对氡的所有责任;
  3. 为地方政府提供资金,对该地区的房屋进行调查,以便更精确地绘制县以下地区的地图, 并为公众提供教育项目,告知他们氡暴露的实际风险以及他们可能采取的减轻这些风险的行动;
  4. Eliminate the statutory directive to achieve radon levels equivalent to ambient air radon levels; and
  5. Advise Federal agencies not to propose or implement additional restrictive actions relative to radon testing and mitigation; and

进一步决定,NAHB反对要求使用私人认证的氡测试和缓解专业人员进行测试,并在一户和两户住宅和联排别墅中设计和安装缓解系统, 禁止建筑商或注册设计专业人员, 比如建筑师或工程师, from providing such services; and

Further resolved that NAHB oppose excessive radon testing requirements beyond those necessary to reasonably identify or minimize the potential for radon exposure; and,

进一步决定NAHB与EPA保持工作关系, 无论是在研究层面还是在政策层面, 确保其氡政策和指导的任何变化在技术上和经济上都是可行的.

原通过的决议: 2023.6 No. 5氡政策

具有主要管辖权的委员会: 建设、规范 & 标准

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